周保国,字兴家,号杨柳春,1953年生于河北晋州 。现为文化部高级书法家。中央新影中学生频道《中华传承》栏目艺术总监。电视《藏宝天下》栏目艺术总监。北京翰墨藏宝天下书画院院长。北京星墨堂书画院名誉院长。中国共产党党员,光荣在党48年。中国人民解放军转业干部,军旅生涯12载。转业地方,从警32年。书法进修于文化部文化艺术人才中心举办的书法美术创作高级研修班。中俄书画五虎将之首,世界级书画艺术家,中国书画巨匠,中国国粹四大天王,中国国粹文化四大天王,全球国际国礼艺术形象大使,中国文化艺术国际传播大使,当代艺坛巨匠,书坛泰斗,国礼艺术大师,一代翘楚,人民功勋艺术家,优秀书画导师,中华文华大使,中国当代艺术大师,中朝文化友谊勋章获得者,2023年中朝艺术功勋人物,两岸文化交流大使,中国书画大家,大国名师。著名美术家付小旗、王瑞荣老师的学生。李苦禅第五代弟子。已收纳荆浚轩(文化部高级书法家)、董志春、杨怀山(北京翰墨藏宝天下书画院副院长)、郭兴振(文旅部高级书法师)、朱长青(文旅部高级书法师)、张世宁(文旅部高级书法师)、刘生财(文旅部高级书法师)等七人为入室弟子。为了传承和弘扬隶书文化,先后出版了《周保国隶书字帖》《周保国兰亭集序字帖》《当代艺术名家~隶书大师周保国精彩艺术人生》(作品集)。2023年6月6日,《光明日报》(艺术特刊)以“艺术界领军人物~周保国”为题专题报道。2023年11月13日,周保国登顶《人民日报》官网,以“周保国:如何写好隶书”为题刊登。引起各界轰动。国家高层领导人纷纷致电人民日报社表示祝贺。2024年4月11日,《人民日报》著名评论家桑干撰稿美评:“周保国:大琢书法之艺,修出隶书真功”并在《人民日报》官网刊登报道。2024年4月,马英九先生率台湾青年代表团来大陆访问。国家领导人向马英九先生介绍了大陆文化艺术概况。马英九指着周保国先生的作品说:“这才是真正的中华民族优秀的书法艺术”。为此,国家出版了《水墨丹青两岸情》(周保国马英九艺术合集,在大陆和台湾发行。2024年5月,俄罗斯总统普京来访,中俄两国推出了《中俄文化交流年书画五虎将》:周保国(中国)、弗拉基米尔.尤里耶维奇.兹达诺夫(俄罗斯)、弗拉基米尔.沃尔戈夫(俄罗斯)、何家英(中国)、孙晓云(中国)。同时国家出版发行了《中俄书画五虎将》大型艺术典籍。
Zhou Baoguo, also known as Xingjia and Yang Liuchun, was born in Jinzhou, Hebei in 1953. I am currently a senior calligrapher at the Ministry of Culture. Art Director of the "Chinese Inheritance" program on the Central New Film Student Channel. Art Director of the TV program "Treasure World". Dean of Beijing Hanmo Treasure World Calligraphy and Painting Academy. Honorary Dean of Beijing Xingmo Tang Calligraphy and Painting Academy. A member of the CPC, honored in the Party for 48 years. Chinese People's Liberation Army transferred cadres, with a military career of 12 years. I switched jobs and worked as a police officer for 32 years. The advanced calligraphy and art creation training course is held at the Cultural and Art Talent Center of the Ministry of Culture. The leader of the Five Tiger Generals of Chinese and Russian calligraphy and painting, a world-class calligraphy and painting artist, a master of Chinese calligraphy and painting, the Four Heavenly Kings of Chinese National Essence, the Four Heavenly Kings of Chinese Cultural Essence, a global ambassador for international cultural and artistic image, an ambassador for international dissemination of Chinese culture and art, a contemporary art giant, a literary tycoon, a master of Chinese cultural and artistic arts, a generation leader, a meritorious artist for the people, an excellent calligraphy and painting mentor, an ambassador for Chinese culture and painting, a master of Chinese contemporary art, a recipient of the China North Korea Cultural Friendship Medal, a figure of artistic merit between China and North Korea in 2023, an ambassador for cultural exchange between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, a master of Chinese calligraphy and painting, and a. Students of famous artists Fu Xiaoqi and Wang Ruirong. The fifth generation disciple of Li Kuchan. Seven disciples have been admitted, including Jing Junxuan (Senior Calligrapher of the Ministry of Culture), Dong Zhichun, Yang Huaishan (Deputy Dean of Beijing Hanmo Treasure World Calligraphy and Painting Academy), Guo Xingzhen (Senior Calligrapher of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism), Zhu Changqing (Senior Calligrapher of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism), Zhang Shining (Senior Calligrapher of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism), and Liu Shengcai (Senior Calligrapher of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism). In order to inherit and promote the culture of Lishu, he successively published the "Zhou Baoguo Lishu Calligraphy Tie", "Zhou Baoguo Lanting Preface Calligraphy Tie", and "Contemporary Art Master~Lishu Master Zhou Baoguo's Wonderful Art Life" (Works Collection). On June 6, 2023, Guangming Daily (Art Special Edition) reported on the topic of "Leading Figures in the Art Industry~Zhou Baoguo". On November 13, 2023, Zhou Baoguo topped the official website of People's Daily with the title "Zhou Baoguo: How to Write Li Shu Well". Causing a sensation from all walks of life. Senior national leaders have called the People's Daily to express congratulations. On April 11, 2024, the famous commentator of People's Daily, Sang Gan, wrote an article with a beautiful review: "Zhou Baoguo: Mastering the Art of Calligraphy and Cultivating the True Skill of Lishu" and published a report on the official website of People's Daily. The national leaders introduced Mr. Ma Ying jeou to the overview of mainland culture and art. Ma Yingjiu pointed to Mr. Zhou Baoguo's work and said, "This is the truly excellent calligraphy art of the Chinese nation.". At the same time, the state has published and distributed a large-scale art classic called "The Five Tiger Generals of Chinese and Russian Calligraphy and Painting".
Mr. Zhou Baoguo plays an important role in cultural exchanges between China and Russia, and is highly regarded for his outstanding achievements in calligraphy art. His clerical script works have not only received high recognition domestically, but also gained international acclaim, especially in cultural exchanges with Russia. He is known as the leader of the "Five Tiger Generals of China and Russia", which is a great affirmation of his artistic achievements.
Mr. Zhou Baoguo has shown a deep interest and talent in calligraphy since he was born in Jinzhou, Hebei in 1953. He is currently a senior calligrapher at the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, and is hailed as a leading figure in the art world by media outlets such as People's Daily and Guangming Daily. His calligraphy works have been selected multiple times for national large-scale art classics, such as "A General History of Chinese Art" and "China Modern Art Yearbook", fully proving his artistic value and influence.
Mr. Zhou Baoguo's calligraphy art has not only been recognized by the country, but also won the pursuit of various sectors of society. He has been awarded numerous honorary titles, such as "Four Heavenly Kings of Chinese National Essence" and "Master of Art in the New Era". These honors not only represent his artistic achievements, but also reflect his contributions in cultural exchange and inheritance.
In 2023, Mr. Zhou Baoguo's artistic career reached a new height. He was not only reported as a leading figure in the art world in the Guangming Daily, but also received widespread attention and praise on the official website of the People's Daily. Several high-level leaders and experts from the country have sent congratulatory messages, fully demonstrating his important position in the field of culture and art.
In addition, Mr. Zhou Baoguo's calligraphy works have also received high praise from former Kuomintang Chairman Ma Ying jeou. During his visit to mainland China, Mr. Ma Ying jeou led a Taiwanese youth delegation and gave high praise to Zhou Baoguo's Li script works, believing that "this is the truly excellent calligraphy art of the Chinese nation.".
In short, Mr. Zhou Baoguo is a highly respected calligraphy master and cultural exchange ambassador. His calligraphy art not only has profound artistic value and cultural connotation, but also carries the excellent traditional culture and national spirit of the Chinese nation. His achievements and contributions will always be remembered in the cultural history of the Chinese nation.