
热门关键词: 责任大使  中国责任  责任唐渊




来源:未知      作者:传统文化     人气:     发布时间:2022-12-22
摘要:宜兴有天土,吴门出陶人。继陶瓷、紫砂已成国艺。一盈把握,诸子尽在一掬之间,上兑庄老之露、下泡儒佛之泉。禅意不看红尘事,一捧紫砂释天机。 宜兴吴门,百年传承。吴氏陶艺历吴余清及吴门第五代传人吴海龙,早慧,幼随父习艺,自幼薰艺家风,承前启后,把






其作品寓意于壶,还魂于砂,严谨而不泥古,典雅也趣于天然。 匠人需数十年方可成就,匠心需数百年传承而来,吴海龙大师,承百年技艺,创新式风格。他的紫砂作品多次荣获海内外国际性及国家级金奖,被人民大会堂、中南海艺术馆、国家博物馆、中国农业博物馆等纷纷收藏,被泰国亲王、英国王子、美国硅谷、海峡两岸等的文化艺术大家们大加赞赏,也因一带一路文化交流被带出国门走向世界,入选2017年哈萨克斯坦世博会,得到来自世界各地艺术学者的认可。




































2016年,,美国硅谷市长中国行代表团由加州议员Devon Mathis(德文•马西斯)带团、 联合市市长Carol Dutra Vernaci(凯萝•魏娜齐)、 坎贝尔市市长Jason Baker(杰森•贝克)、门罗帕克市前市长/现议员Catherine Carlton(凯瑟琳•卡尔顿)、 库比蒂诺市前市长/现议员Gilbert Wong等在内的美国官员、硅谷市长、加州议员、知名企业家、知名经济学家组成的代表团一行16人专程赴吴海龙紫砂艺术馆进行文化交流。












2017年,被四川文化艺术学院汤用彤国学院 ,聘为客座教授

2017年,在宜兴博物馆举办的 民间传统工艺美术博览会 中《一带一路》作品荣获金奖























2020年,《众志成城 共克时艰》“助力武汉,加油中国”突出贡献领军人物



















Yixing has soil, Wu men out of pottery. After ceramics, purple sand h

as become a national art. A surplus of grasp, all the sons in a scooped between, on the dew of the old village, soaking the spring of Confucianism and Buddhism. Zen does not look at the world, a handful of purple sand release Tianji.


Yixing Wumen, century-old inheritance. Wu's pottery calendar Wu Yuqing and Wu men the fifth generation successor Wu Hailong, premature hui, young with his father's art, since childhood fumigation art family style, carry on the past and future, Wu's unique art carry forward!


As early as in 1972, Wu Hailong was with his father to study purple clay pottery, more than 50 years although there are ups and downs, bumpy twists and turns of the road, but finally adhere to until now, continued his father told: With a consistent inheritance and innovation, the works are based on natural raw materials, the use of Wu's traditional technology and innovative techniques, highlighting its exquisite skills, a body of its own, the original Wu heavy tradition more heavy new style. Master Wu Hailong has been fond of collecting since childhood, inheriting and innovating from the old pot in his family. The shape of the purple clay pot he designed not only respects the tradition, but also "the square is not the same, the round is not the same", highlighting the changes, and the shape is quaint, fashionable, simple and natural.


Wu Hailong inherits the ancestral instruction, the raw materials used in his purple clay pot works are very exquisite, the quality of the "clay" determines the taste of the purple clay pot, a good pot must be a good mud achievement, only good mud can make a double porosity structure, high water absorption rate, strong air permeability, and "color is not brilliant, quality is not oily" good pot, Wu's pottery has inherited an impermanent habit that today's works are the old clay that has been rotting for more than several decades. He is committed to the research and creation of purple sand art and picks from the sea of art. Since then, his skills have improved.


His works implied in the pot, the spirit in the sand, rigorous but not ancient, elegant and natural interest. It takes decades for a craftsman to achieve, and hundreds of years to inherit his craftsmanship. Master Wu Hailong inherits his century-old skills and innovative style. His purple sand works have won international and national gold MEDALS at home and abroad for many times, and have been collected by the Great Hall of the People, Zhongnanhai Art Museum, National Museum, China Agriculture Museum and so on. They have been highly praised by the prince of Thailand, the prince of Britain, the American Silicon Valley, the culture and art people on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, and have also been taken out of the country to the world because of the cultural exchange of the Belt and Road. He was selected to the Kazakhstan Expo 2017 and recognized by art scholars from all over the world.


Although the purple clay pot is small, it brings together a hundred years of ingenuity and a thousand years of culture. "Wu's Golden Tripod" brand has also been included in the integrity of China, go abroad, famous at home and abroad, its purple clay pot artifact is of great artistic value and collection value.


Master Wu Hailong's family style, from above to below, every skill; Carry forward and bring forth the new. Master Wu Hailong has been near the mandate of heaven, purple sand art attainments are pure, art is gradually approaching the "Tianjue". His works bring forth the old on the inheritance of the classical, in the "light goods" type of exquisite appearance, exquisite outline, natural, simple, simple and elegant; And in the "flower goods" modeling teacher nature, carving and kneading, rich techniques, with a typical Wu aesthetic style; In the shape of the gluten grain machine, the texture of the gluten capsule is clear, dense and appropriate, and the depth is free; In the shape of the beam pot, the style is ancient, the pot body and the beam, the contrast between virtual and real is clear, the shape is smooth and flexible, like running water sound, beauty washing yarn.


Although Master Wu Hailong is famous far and wide, he is not burdened by the fame of the vulgar world. In his art museum, he has done his best to combine life, art and purple sand. Although his works in the market a pot is difficult to find, but he has a report of "good work does not show people with Pu", quiet mind to do craftsman, carefully do art, indifferent to fame and wealth, firmly adhering to their own: "life only do one thing, one thing only with a heart" idea, addicted to the purple sand art research and creation.


Master Wu Hailong's Art Yearbook


In 1972, he followed his father to study and create purple sand pottery


In 1992, he was awarded the Ceramic Art Design Award by the China Arts and Crafts Association of the Ministry of Light Industry


In 1997, the Wu Pottery Wu Hailong Purple Sand Art Museum was founded


In 2001, he joined China Arts and Crafts Society


In 2002, the creation of "Spring" work won the gold medal of China Arts and Crafts Fair




In 2006, the work "Bamboo Charm" won the gold medal of China Arts and Crafts Hundred Flowers Award


In 2008, he joined the Association of Jiangsu Pottery Purple Sand Society


In 2009, "Longevity Peach Pot" won the gold medal in the selection of fine tea pot at the 6th China International Tea Expo


In 2010, the work of "Four Sides and the Sky" won the gold medal of "Zhongyi Cup" in the 8th China Arts and Crafts Fair


In 2011, "Qin Power Pot" won the first prize in the competition of the third Zisha Art Festival in Henan


In 2012, "Small Bamboo Flat Pot" won the first prize in Jiangsu Ceramic Industry Association handmade pottery plug


In 2012, it won the first prize in the "Boshan Cup" Chinese Ceramic Art Grand Prix


In 2012, Sunflower Pot was awarded the first prize in the Pottery Works Innovation appraisal activity of Jiangsu Ceramic Industry Association


In 2012, awarded as Master of Chinese Arts and Crafts (the sixth)


In 2013, it was selected into the "Century-old Wuxi Celebrity Map".


In 2013, "Stone Ladle Kettle" won the gold medal in China Yixing Pottery Five Golden Flowers Exhibition in Shanghai after strict review


In 2013, he was invited to serve as a director of China Association for the Promotion of International Exchanges


In 2013, he was awarded the title of Chinese Purple Clay Pot Design Master by the National Aesthetic Education and Cultural Industry Cooperation Organization of the Chinese Society of Life Sciences, Ministry of Education


In 2014, his works of antique pot, hexagon pot and pomegranate incense pot won the gold medal in the first Invitational Exhibition of Calligraphy and Painting works of Chinese Artists in the world


In 2014, he was employed as a member of the expert group of the Artists Alliance of Beijing Association of the Alumni Association of Wuxi Calligraphy Art College


In 2015, he was awarded "Outstanding Contributor to the Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation", "Outstanding Artist of the Chinese Nation" and "Lifelong Art Consultant of China International Modern Art Research Center". Works included in the theme of commemorating the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War "Chinese Stamp Album"


In 2015, it was rated as the leading figure in promoting China


In 2016, the royal family of Thailand, including Prince Suboh Bhamo, Princess Bhamo Elegant and Princess Bhamo Yaya, visited the Wuhailong Purple Sand Art Museum for two days.


In 2016, selected in the Yearbook of the People's Republic of China (Volume 2016)


In 2016, the works of "Flat Pot with mud and Stone" and "Foursquare Furnace Pot" were collected by Zhongnanhai Art Museum


In 2016, he was hired as a member of the art appraisal and Evaluation Committee of Qiushi Cultural Center


In 2016, the Butterfly Pot was collected by the Great Hall of the People


In 2016, it was awarded the title of "China National Gift Artist" and "Certificate of National Gift Special Gift" by the National Gift Art Committee and the National Gift Culture Market Committee.


In 2016,, The Silicon Valley mayors' delegation to China was led by California Assemblyman Devon Mathis, Union City Mayor Carol Dutra Vernaci and Campbell City Mayor Jason Baker(Jason Baker), Catherine Carlton(Catherine Carlton), former mayor/current council member of Menlo Park, and Gilbert (Gilbert), former mayor/current council member of Cupertino Wong and other US officials, Silicon Valley mayors, California lawmakers, well-known entrepreneurs, well-known economists and a delegation of 16 people made a special trip to Wu Hailong Purple Sand Art Museum for cultural exchange.


In 2016, he won the title of "2016 Outstanding Worker "in the National Labor Model May Day Symposium and Advanced Deeds Report to celebrate the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China


In 2016, the Antique Pot was collected by the China Agriculture Museum


In 2017, he was appointed director of Zisha Art Museum of the Global Internet of Things Management Committee


In 2017, won the second Global Brand Conference, Jinsi Road Art Exhibition selected works.


In 2017, he was specially appointed as the president of cross-Straits Cultural Exchange in Jiangsu Province by the Taiwan Cross-Straits Cultural Trade, Science and Technology Tourism Development Association


In 2017, she was named the inheritor of "purple sand Design and Production" by the Oriental Chinese Cultural Heritage Protection Center of the Ministry of Culture


In 2017, he was appointed director of Zisha Art Museum of the Dragon Culture Academy of Chinese Leading Cadres


In 2017, he was hired as deputy Secretary-General of Purple Sand Committee of Jiangsu Collectors Association


In 2017, Zisha's works were collected by the New York-China Art and Culture Exchange Association, and she was also appointed as the executive chairman of the Association


In 2017, with the spirit of artisan striving for excellence and the senior production experience of deep cultivation of purple sand for many years, Master Wu Hailong's works were selected as the highest art level of the top expo Kazakhstan and won the gold medal of purple sand craft, Master Wu Hailong was also awarded the title of "Special Invitation Purple sand Pot Craft Artist" of Kazakhstan World Expo 2017


In 2017, Master Wu Hailong, with both virtue and art, was awarded the title of "Honest Artist" in the Chinese honest brand


In 2017, she was appointed as a visiting professor by Tangyong Tongguo College of Sichuan University of Culture and Arts


In 2017, "One Belt and One Road" won the gold medal in the Folk traditional Arts and Crafts Fair held in Yixing Museum


In 2017, the Antique Pot was collected by the Prince of England's Epsos Palace


In 2018, he was invited to attend the China International Economic Cooperation Forum held at the NPC Conference Center


In 2018, Voice of the Yellow River hosted Master Wu Hailong's Purple Sand Forum seminar


In 2018, Purple Clay pot works Butterfly pot won the "Gong He Cup" of China Gong He Belt and Road Art and Culture Festival and Handcraft Art Master's fine works Exhibition.


In 2018, I was invited to participate in the Model Spring Festival Gala and won the title of Model artist


In 2018, he was hired as a professional appraiser of "China Credit Culture and Art Appraisal System" by Sino-Macro Culture Channel, which is in charge of the National Development and Reform Commission


In 2018, according to the talent entry standards and regulations of the National Vocational Credit Evaluation network, the professional title of intangible cultural heritage (purple sand) skill inheritor was obtained after being verified and entered into the skill talent pool of the National Vocational Credit Evaluation network


In 2019, he was employed as an expert in Jiangsu and Anhui (Nanjing) Base of Ceramic Cultural Heritage Protection Project Office of Oriental Chinese Cultural Heritage Protection Center


In 2019, he was awarded the certificate of honor of "Famous Style" issued by the Database of Inheritors of Chinese Traditional Art


In 2019, he was authorized by the organizing committee of China-Arab States Economic and Trade Cooperation Forum to be the art propaganda Ambassador of China-Arab States Economic and Trade Cooperation Forum


In 2019, he was awarded the honorary title of "People's Artist" recommended by the Second Session of the 13th National People's Congress and the Second Session of the 13th National Political Consultative Conference.


In 2019, the Intangible Culture Protection Certificate of the Database of Cultural and Artistic Talents of the Ministry of Culture.


In 2019, in the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China awarded the honorary title (People's Merit artist).


In 2019, China Purple Sand, torch from generation to generation, National Arts and Crafts Master, Special Contribution Award.


In 2019, the cantaloupe pot won the award of the first "Hundred Cranes Cup" Arts and Crafts Design Innovation Competition of China Light Industry Federation.


In 2019, according to the Regulations on the Protection of Traditional Arts and Crafts issued by The State Council, the purple clay antique pot works were collected by the Hong Kong Oriental Art Museum branch - Yan Tian Art Museum as a first-class collection


In 2020, he was appointed as a special researcher of Enterprise Research Institute of China Academy of Management Science


In 2020, he was named a Chinese artist public welfare figure by the organizing committee of the Chinese Artists Public Welfare Alliance


In 2020, he was named the leader of the new era of Chinese brands by the Organizing committee of China Brand Development Summit Forum


In 2020, he was awarded the role model of Chinese Spirit by the organizing Committee of the Association of Chinese Calligraphers and Painters for his outstanding achievements in the contemporary art world, his outstanding contributions to Chinese art, and his classic works with national characteristics, the spirit of The Times and artistic charm


In 2020, the works are favored by the people all over the country, with huge investment value and appreciation space. After the selection and exhibition of "Art Investment Reference", it was rated as the artist with the most investment and collection value


In 2020, enter the "Chinese Celebrity Database"


In 2020, "Together We Unite to Overcome Difficulties" "Help Wuhan, Go China" prominent contribution leaders


In 2020, expert consultant of China's Pioneer list


In 2020, won the "Focus on the Two Sessions 2020 international Zisha art innovative figure"


In 2020, she was invited to attend the 600th anniversary celebration of the Forbidden City's Dan Chen Forever Gu by the Palace Museum


In 2020, he won the Special Contribution Award of the National Master of Arts and Crafts, "Chinese Purple Sand, Torch from generation to Generation"


In 2020, she was featured on the cover of the special issue of "Pillars of the State", a large top-notch talent recommendation report, and served as the special deputy editor of the editorial board


In 2020, after strict selection, the Archives of Chinese Famous Artists specially invited them to join the Archives of Chinese Famous Artists for life


In 2021, we will witness 100 years of trials and hardships, 100 years of eventful years, 100 years of journey day and night, and 100 years of glorious achievements. Borrow the glory of purple sand to raise the style of the nation, to celebrate the party's feat, to help the heroic Chinese! He was named the man of Zisha in the centennial of the Founding of the Party in 2021


In 2021, he was awarded the honorary title of "People's Artist"


In 2021, in view of the influence in the field of art and the important contribution to Chinese traditional culture, the official authority will award the "Lifetime Achievement Award of Chinese Traditional culture".


In 2021, awarded as "China's Meritorious Figures" by the Organizing Committee of China's Meritorious Figures


In 2022, he was awarded the title of "Chinese Talent"


In 2022, Wu Ceramic Art Firm was selected as "Chinese Time-honored Brand" by China Quality Certification Development Management Center and China Enterprise Credit Development Center.


In 2022, honored by the National Two Sessions and the Organizing committee of Pre-model Figures Report: "Pre-model Figures in Zisha Art Industry"


Awarded "Zisha Arts and Crafts Ambassador" by the United Nations Economic and Social Council Special Consultative Status Pacific Regional Development and Education Organization in 2022.


In 2022, in recognition of their important contributions to the promotion of international cultural exchanges and the development of world culture and art, the "World Culture and Art Lifetime Achievement Award" will be awarded.





Wu Hailong purple sand art appreciation






















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